So, I thought this text has something to do with the theme of the blog - whatever it may look like to be. I hope you enjoy the reading. I follow them on the facebook... there are a lot of good posts to reflect about.
by Sarah May Bates
What people see in you is a mirror of their experiences, their issues, their tastes and understanding. So the question is – what do you see in others? Do you see hate, anger, or kindness and love? I firmly believe that we tell others how we want to be treated with every tiny subtle action we take. Whatever you put out there will come back to you, and however you treat others they will be more inclined to treat you back. Do you have anyone you know that is just plain old pure goodness and every time they are around people everyone immediately feels at ease? I think people can see and feel the love that is overlaid on them and in someway they feel unafraid and understood. It’s very hard to be mean to someone that smiles at you with love.
Perception is a funny thing. It’s different depending on your mood at a time of day, what you read on the news in the morning, something someone said that you have heard rumors about. So many things can shift what you think is reality in the blink of an eye. And in this frozen state of pain and confusion, what can you do to stay positive? Remember who you are, get back to your center, and remind yourself that certain things are out of your control. AND always think the best of people. That one is the hard one. The cool part is that this will never get you into trouble, even when you are wrong. Thinking the best of people only helps you to do the right thing for yourself, which is be a good and loving person that embodies everything positive. I don’t mean you should give a bad person your life savings and hope for the best, but thinking that people have the best intentions at all times will get you much farther with much less drag along the way.
You yourself are read in so many different ways by people and you cannot control what they see. All you can do is know your intentions are good, you are good and loving, and they are probably trying their hardest to overcome a hurdle in their life. Be open, aware, and positive, and hope for the best. At the end of the day you can’t control anyone and what they think of you or how they treat you and as soon as you start examining them and not yourself, you’ve lost your self-awareness. What you can control is how you decide to act, and how you deal with that information. No one has the power to make you feel anything that you don’t decide to feel.
Decide on letting the bad go, remembering you are loving and good, and I believe you will see that reflected back at you from everyone you touch.
Happy Sunday and love to you all, xox Sarah
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